
Studies of Society and the Environment (SOSE)

Students at UCHSK complete a full year of study in SOSE, with the content taken from the ‘Humanities and Social Sciences’ Learning Area of the Australian Curriculum. In each year of high school, students spend a semester studying History, then complete units in Geography, Economics and Business, and Civics and Citizenship. SOSE is a dynamic and relevant learning area, and links are made with other areas of study and current issues in Australian and world affairs. Our aim is to develop students’ ability to make connections from the past to help them understand the world in which they live. Assessment is focused on developing our students’ inquiry, research, writing and presentation skills.


Japanese at UCHSK provides students with the opportunity to understand the unique traditional and popular modern culture and language of Japan. Japan is one of Australia’s major trading partners, and tourism in Australia creates the need for speakers of Japanese. In Year 7 students enter either an introductory language unit or an extension class if they have studied Japanese at primary school. In Year 8, students continue to study Japanese culture as they improve their language skills. For students in years 9 and 10, Japanese is an elective subject. By continuing to study Japanese, students develop a working knowledge of the language and will be well equipped to enrol in a continuing course at college. In all years there is a strong emphasis on the development of speaking and listening skills. A school trip to Japan is planned for 2022.

Japanese Japanese1

Extension History and SOSE

This elective is for students who are presently achieving at C grade or above in SOSE, and want to pursue a topic of their interest. We intend to use an inquiry-based approach, and students will need to be self-motivated to question, find resources, and report on their findings to their peers.